SAT Exam Goes Digital, Here’s What You Need to Know!

Before getting into the news, let’s look at what SAT is. The SAT Suite of Assessment is an integrated system of test including the SAT, PSAT/NMSQT, PSAT 10, and PSAT8/9. The SAT Suite of Assessment is now adapting to meet evolving need of educator and aspiring students. Hence the SAT will go completely digital by 2024, the College Board, the global body conducting the test said recently in a issued press release. Let’s look at what has changed and how you can prepare for the same. 

The digital SAT will be easier to take, easier to give, and more relevant.We’re not simply putting the current SAT on a digital platform — we’re taking full advantage of what delivering an assessment digitally makes possible.

Priscilla Rodriguez, vice president of college readiness assessments for the College Board.

What’s Changing?

College Board is not just putting the exam on a digital platform, when they talk about changing it, it means much more than that, let’s look at what will change.

SAT Suite now on Laptop and Tablet

The medium of test taking as name suggest will be changing. From a pen-and-paper based test, it will now be conducted on a tablet or laptop. Student can now take test on personal or school issued device. Don’t worry if you don’t have a device, the College Board will provide one on test day.

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Reduced Test Duration

Two main aspects to support this point as name suggest is that the test duration will be trimmed down from 3 long hours to 2 mellow hours, also, another relieve for student will be to see shorter reading passages with just one question attached to it.

Faster Score Delivery

In contradiction to score getting received in about two weeks earlier, the delivery of the same will now be just within few days, this will make student make key college decision quicker.

More Freedom to use Calculator

Earlier, as we all know, the calculator was allowed only for one section of Math. But now, College Board brings joy to those who loves calculator. Calculator will now be used for both sections. Students can either bring their own calculator or a graphic version will be provided.

Student to get more relevant information

SAT brings joy to students with their digital version which now along with providing you score quickly, will also provide information on two-year colleges, career, and workforce training programs.

More Flexibility

With the newer version, student will now see unique version of each test. Also, schools, districts, and states now will have more flexibility on when to take the test.

What’s remaining the same?

In case you were wondering that everything is changing and that is making you fret. Well, Don’t. SAT Suite still has certain aspects that will not change and will remain as it is, let’s see what these are.

Measuring Knowledge and Skills which matter the most

The digital SAT suite will continue to measure the knowledge and skills that students are learning in school and that matter most for college readiness and career.

1600 Score Scale remains Intact

The score range does not change for the newer digital SAT Suite, students still will be measured in this scale which is composed of 800 score scales for both English and Math section.

Taking Test in Test Centre or School

The digital test will still be administered in a school or in a test centre with invigilators present, unfortunately, students won’t be able to take it at home just yet.


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Availability of Scholarships

Just because the test is going digital doesn’t mean that scholarships won’t be available. Students can still connect directly to such scholarships.

When Will Students Take The Digital Test?

However the test will now go digital, the SAT Suite will not change it’s format with a snap of a finger. The transition will be somewhat gradual with SAT going digital at International test centre in March of 2023, and at U.S. schools and test centres in Spring of 2024.

To put it in a nutshell, International SAT will go digital from spring 2023, PSAT related assessment will go digital from fall 2023 while U.S. SAT will go digital from spring 2024.

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Final Thoughts

With SAT going digital in the coming years, although there are major changes in the test duration and medium, the strategy to prepare for the exam should be same since there is no changes in the test syllabus. However, with test duration shrinking, the time for each question will be shortened and working on speed should be given priority along with cementing oneself while using computer devices to further assist one’s cause to solve questions in time.
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