Digital SAT Vocabulary Words You Must Know

Digital SAT Vocabulary Words You Must Know

Vocabulary plays a pivotal role in your performance on the Digital SAT. A robust vocabulary not only enhances your reading comprehension but also significantly influences your overall exam performance. Understanding and mastering key vocabulary words can be the difference between an average score and an exceptional one.

In this blog, we will explore the importance of vocabulary for the Digital SAT, how vocabulary impacts reading comprehension and exam performance, and provide strategies for effective vocabulary development.

Understanding the Importance of Vocabulary for the Digital SAT

The Digital SAT is designed to assess a range of skills, including your ability to understand and use vocabulary in context. A strong vocabulary helps you in: 

  • Enhanced Reading Comprehension: Vocabulary knowledge allows you to understand complex passages more thoroughly, making it easier to interpret the main ideas and details.
  • Accurate Answer Selection: Many questions on the SAT require you to choose the best word or phrase in a given context. A robust vocabulary helps you make precise selections.
  • Efficient Test-Taking: Familiarity with a wide range of vocabulary words can speed up your reading and comprehension, allowing you to complete sections more quickly and with greater confidence.
  • Improved Writing Skills: A strong vocabulary enhances your ability to express ideas clearly and effectively in the Writing and Language section, contributing to a higher score.

By focusing on building a strong vocabulary, you equip yourself with the tools needed to excel in the Digital SAT, ultimately improving your overall performance and increasing your chances of achieving a high score.

Also Read: Erica Meltzer’s SAT Reading & Writing Test Book

How Vocabulary Impacts Reading Comprehension and Exam Performance

A strong vocabulary is essential for excelling in the Digital SAT, as it directly influences your ability to understand and interpret reading passages, as well as to perform well in the Writing and Language sections. 

Here’s how vocabulary impacts these critical areas of the exam:

  • Reading Comprehension:
    • Enhanced Understanding: A broad vocabulary helps you understand and interpret reading passages more effectively.
    • Fluent Reading: Familiarity with a wide range of words allows for smoother and faster reading.
    • Confident Answers: Knowing the meanings of words enables you to answer comprehension questions with greater confidence.
  • Exam Performance:
    • Writing and Language Section: A strong vocabulary helps in identifying and correcting grammatical errors.
    • Improved Sentence Structure: Better word knowledge aids in enhancing sentence structure for clarity and style.
    • Effective Communication: A rich vocabulary allows you to choose the best words to convey meaning accurately and effectively.

By developing a robust vocabulary, you can improve your reading comprehension and overall performance in both the Reading and Writing sections of the Digital SAT.

Strategies for Effective Vocabulary Development

Developing a strong vocabulary for the Digital SAT requires a strategic approach. Here are some effective strategies to help you build and retain a robust vocabulary:

1. Regular Reading: Engage in regular reading of diverse materials, including literature, academic journals, newspapers, and online articles. Exposure to a wide range of texts introduces you to new words and contexts, enhancing your vocabulary naturally.

2. Vocabulary Lists: Create and maintain vocabulary lists. Focus on high-frequency SAT words and challenging terms you encounter during your reading. Review these lists regularly to reinforce your learning.

3. Contextual Learning: Learn new words in context rather than in isolation. Understanding how a word is used in a sentence helps you grasp its meaning and nuances better. Practice using new words in your writing and conversations.

4. Practice Tests: Take practice tests from platforms like to familiarize yourself with the type of vocabulary questions on the SAT. Analyzing your performance on these tests can highlight areas where you need to improve.

5. Flashcards: Use flashcards to review and memorize vocabulary. Digital flashcard apps can make this process more interactive and efficient, allowing you to study anytime, anywhere.

6. Mnemonic Devices: Employ mnemonic devices to help remember difficult words. Associating words with images, sounds, or phrases can make them easier to recall.

By implementing these strategies, you can build a strong vocabulary foundation that will serve you well on the Digital SAT and beyond.

Stay tuned for the next sections where we will explore specific vocabulary words you need to know for the Digital SAT, along with tips on how to master them effectively.

Also Read: Strategies for SAT Writing Test  

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Top Digital SAT Vocabulary Words You Must Know

A strong vocabulary is essential for success on the Digital SAT. Here, we present the top 200 vocabulary words you must know, complete with their meanings and different forms. Understanding and mastering these words will help you significantly improve your reading comprehension and overall exam performance.

Vocabulary Word 1: Abate

  • Forms: Abating, Abater
  • Meaning: To reduce in intensity; to lessen

Vocabulary Word 2: Abet

  • Forms: Abetment, Abettor
  • Meaning: To support or encourage

Vocabulary Word 3: Abhor

  • Forms: Abhorrer
  • Meaning: To hate something

Vocabulary Word 4: Abnegate

  • Forms: Abnegation
  • Meaning: To deny or to give up the right or privilege to something

Vocabulary Word 5: Abscond

  • Forms: Absconder
  • Meaning: To escape, run away, or let go of something

Vocabulary Word 6: Advocate

  • Forms: Advocation, Advocative, Advocator
  • Meaning: To support or argue for a cause

Vocabulary Word 7: Allude

  • Forms: Allusion
  • Meaning: To refer to something indirectly; commonly used in literature

Vocabulary Word 8: Ambiguity

  • Forms: Ambiguous
  • Meaning: Something that can be understood or interpreted in more than one manner

Vocabulary Word 9: Analogy

  • Forms: Analogous, Analogousness
  • Meaning: A comparison of two otherwise unlike things based on the resemblance of a particular aspect; widely used in literature

Vocabulary Word 10: Apprehend

  • Forms: Apprehension, Apprehensibility
  • Meaning: To arrest someone; recognize the meaning of an idea or a thing

Vocabulary Word 11: Articulate

  • Forms: Articulative, Articulator
  • Meaning: To explain something clearly

Vocabulary Word 12: Bane

  • Meaning: Something capable of causing destruction or ruin

Vocabulary Word 13: Bereft

  • Meaning: Lacking something needed, wanted, or expected; a person grieving the death of a loved one

Vocabulary Word 14: Bias

  • Forms: Biasness
  • Meaning: To possess an inclined outlook towards an object or an idea

Vocabulary Word 15: Berate

  • Meaning: To scold someone strongly

Vocabulary Word 16: Brevity

  • Forms: Brief
  • Meaning: Something or event that is short in length or duration

Vocabulary Word 17: Candid

  • Forms: Candidness, Candidly
  • Meaning: Being open, honest, and straightforward

Vocabulary Word 18: Circumspect

  • Forms: Circumspection, Circumspectly
  • Meaning: Being cautious and considering all possible consequences

Vocabulary Word 19: Concur

  • Forms: Concurrence, Concurringly
  • Meaning: To agree or have the same opinion

Vocabulary Word 20: Debunk

  • Forms: Debunker, Debunking
  • Meaning: To expose the falseness of a myth, idea, or belief

Mastering these vocabulary words will give you a significant edge on the Digital SAT. Keep practicing and incorporate these words into your daily reading and writing to enhance your understanding and retention. Stay tuned for the next sections, where we will explore more vocabulary words essential for the Digital SAT and provide tips on how to master them effectively.

Extended Vocabulary List for the Digital SAT

Building a strong vocabulary is crucial for excelling in the Digital SAT. Below is an extended list of essential words, organized into thematic word lists, that will help you enhance your understanding and performance.

Word List 1

  • Cache: A hiding place or the objects hidden in a hiding place.
  • Capitalize: To take advantage of something; to make the most of something.
  • Capitulate: To surrender under agreed conditions.
  • Credible: Believable; reliable.
  • Corroborate: To confirm or give support to a statement, theory, or finding.
  • Complacent: Self-satisfied; overly content.
  • Construe: To interpret or analyze something in a particular way.
  • Contentious: Causing or likely to cause an argument; controversial.
  • Covet: To desire something belonging to another.

Word List 2

  • Dearth: A scarcity or lack of something.
  • Debunk: To expose the falseness or hollowness of a myth, idea, or belief.
  • Defunct: No longer existing or functioning.
  • Didactic: Intended to teach, particularly in having moral instruction as an ulterior motive.
  • Delegate: To assign responsibility or authority to someone else.
  • Dispel: To drive away or cause to vanish.
  • Doctrine: A belief or set of beliefs held and taught by a church, political party, or other group.
  • Dogma: A principle or set of principles laid down by an authority as incontrovertibly true.

Word List 3

  • Eclectic: Deriving ideas, style, or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources.
  • Embezzle: To steal money by falsifying records.
  • Elicit: To draw forth or bring out.
  • Empirical: Based on observation or experiment rather than theory.
  • Emulate: To strive to equal or excel, typically by imitation.
  • Espouse: To adopt or support a cause, belief, or way of life.
  • Extort: To obtain by force, threats, or other unfair means.
  • Expedite: To make an action or process happen sooner or be accomplished more quickly.
  • Extraneous: Irrelevant or unrelated to the subject being dealt with.
  • Equivocal: Open to more than one interpretation; ambiguous.

Word List 4

  • Foil: To prevent the success of; to thwart.
  • Fallacy: A mistaken belief, especially one based on unsound argument.
  • Fortuitous: Happening by accident or chance rather than design.
  • Flagrant: Conspicuously or obviously offensive.

Word List 5

  • Grandiloquent: Pompous or extravagant in language, style, or manner, especially in a way that is intended to impress.
  • Gratuitous: Uncalled for; lacking good reason; unwarranted.

Word List 6

  • Hapless: Unfortunate.
  • Hegemony: Leadership or dominance, especially by one country or social group over others.
  • Heterogeneous: Diverse in character or content.
  • Hubris: Excessive pride or self-confidence.

Word List 7

  • Idiosyncrasy: A mode of behavior or way of thought peculiar to an individual.
  • Impetuous: Acting or done quickly and without thought or care.
  • Impute: To attribute something to someone (usually an undesirable situation).
  • Incumbent: Necessary for someone as a duty or responsibility.
  • Incite: To encourage or stir up violent or unlawful behavior.
  • Insurgent: Rising in active revolt.

Word List 8

  • Licentious: Lacking legal or moral restraints.
  • Linchpin: A person or thing vital to an enterprise or organization.
  • Litigate: To take a dispute to a court of law.

Word List 9

  • Maxim: A short, pithy statement expressing a general truth or rule of conduct.
  • Multifarious: Having many varied parts or aspects.

Word List 10

  • Nadir: The lowest point in the fortunes of a person or organization.
  • Noxious: Harmful, poisonous, or very unpleasant.

Word List 11

  • Opine: To hold and state as one’s opinion.
  • Ostensible: Stated or appearing to be true, but not necessarily so.
  • Ostracism: Exclusion from a society or group.

Word List 12

  • Paradigm: A typical example or pattern of something; a model.
  • Partisan: A strong supporter of a party, cause, or person.
  • Pejorative: Expressing contempt or disapproval.
  • Penchant: A strong or habitual liking for something or tendency to do something.
  • Placid: Not easily upset or excited.
  • Prerogative: A right or privilege exclusive to a particular individual or class.
  • Prompt: To cause or bring about an action or feeling.
  • Prosecute: To institute legal proceedings against a person or organization.

Word List 13

  • Quaint: Attractively unusual or old-fashioned.
  • Quixotic: Exceedingly idealistic, unrealistic and impractical.

Word List 14

  • Refute: To prove a statement or theory to be wrong or false.
  • Relegate: To consign or dismiss to an inferior rank or position.
  • Requisition: An official order laying claim to the use of property or materials.

Word List 15

  • Sanctity: The state or quality of being holy, sacred, or saintly.
  • Sanctuary: A place of refuge or safety.
  • Sanguine: Optimistic or positive, especially in an apparently bad or difficult situation.
  • Serendipity: The occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way.
  • Solicit: To ask for or try to obtain something from someone.
  • Spur: To encourage someone or something to action or development.
  • Surreptitious: Kept secret, especially because it would not be approved of.

Word List 16

  • Tirade: A long, angry speech of criticism or accusation.
  • Torpid: Mentally or physically inactive; lethargic.
  • Torrent: A strong and fast-moving stream of water or other liquid.
  • Travesty: A false, absurd, or distorted representation of something.

Word List 17

  • Ubiquitous: Present, appearing, or found everywhere.
  • Undermine: To damage or weaken someone or something, especially gradually.
  • Utilitarian: Designed to be useful or practical rather than attractive.

Word List 18

  • Veracity: Conformity to facts; accuracy.
  • Vestige: A trace of something that is disappearing or no longer exists.
  • Vilify: To speak or write about in an abusively disparaging manner.

Word List 19

  • Warrant: Justify or necessitate a certain course of action.
  • Warranty: A written guarantee issued to the purchaser of an article by its manufacturer, promising to repair or replace it if necessary within a specified period.

By mastering this extended vocabulary list, you’ll be better prepared to tackle the challenging vocabulary questions on the Digital SAT, boosting your reading comprehension and overall test performance.

Also Read: Improving Digital SAT Scores with AI Tutoring

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Simple Ways to Build Up Your Vocabulary Before Your Digital SAT Test Date

Building a strong vocabulary is essential for success on the Digital SAT. Here are some simple and effective methods to enhance your vocabulary before your test date:

Using a Digital SAT Vocabulary List

One of the most straightforward ways to expand your vocabulary is by using a Digital SAT vocabulary list. These lists are tailored specifically for the SAT, ensuring that you focus on the most relevant words.

  • Targeted Learning: Concentrate on words that are likely to appear on the SAT.
  • Efficient Study: Save time by focusing on high-frequency SAT words.
  • Enhanced Recall: Repeated exposure to these words helps cement them in your memory.

Benefits of College Preparatory Exams

A robust vocabulary not only aids in the SAT but also benefits other college preparatory exams and your overall academic performance.

  • Improved Reading Comprehension: A wide vocabulary helps you understand complex passages more easily.
  • Better Writing Skills: Using varied vocabulary enhances the quality of your essays.
  • Higher Test Scores: Strong vocabulary knowledge can lead to better performance in reading and writing sections.

Strategies for Vocabulary Building

Effective vocabulary building requires a mix of techniques to ensure comprehensive learning.

  • Consistent Practice: Dedicate time each day to learning new words.
  • Active Usage: Incorporate new words into your writing and conversations.
  • Engaging Methods: Use apps, games, and interactive tools to make learning fun.

Reading Widely and Critically

Reading a variety of materials exposes you to new words and different writing styles.

  • Diverse Genres: Read books, articles, and journals across different genres.
  • Active Reading: Note down unfamiliar words and look up their meanings.
  • Contextual Learning: Understand how words are used in different contexts to grasp their meanings better.

Practice with Digital SAT-Style Questions with

Practicing with questions that mimic the style of the Digital SAT helps you get familiar with the test format and vocabulary usage.

  • Realistic Preparation: offers practice tests that replicate the actual SAT conditions.
  • Immediate Feedback: Identify areas for improvement with instant feedback.
  • Focused Practice: Concentrate on vocabulary in a test-like setting.

Start your practice today with to experience realistic SAT-style questions and enhance your vocabulary effectively.


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Using Flashcards

Flashcards are a proven method for memorizing vocabulary.

  • Portability: Easy to carry and use anywhere.
  • Active Recall: Promotes active recall, a key memory retention technique.
  • Versatility: Can be used for self-testing and spaced repetition.

By incorporating these simple yet effective strategies, you can significantly build up your vocabulary before your Digital SAT test date. A well-rounded vocabulary will not only help you excel in the exam but also provide lasting benefits for your overall academic journey. 

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Mastering vocabulary is a crucial element of excelling in the Digital SAT. A strong vocabulary not only improves your reading comprehension but also significantly impacts your overall exam performance. By understanding and mastering key vocabulary words, you can transform an average score into an exceptional one.

To ensure you are fully prepared, incorporating effective vocabulary-building strategies into your study routine is essential. Here’s how can support your journey:

  1. Practice with Realistic SAT-Style Questions: offers practice tests that closely mimic the conditions of the actual SAT, helping you get accustomed to the test format and vocabulary usage.

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  1. Instant Feedback and Personalized Study Plans: With, you receive immediate feedback on your practice tests, allowing you to identify areas for improvement. The platform also provides personalized study plans tailored to your strengths and weaknesses, ensuring efficient and effective study sessions.

Get personalized study plans with to maximize your potential!

  1. Interactive Learning Tools:’s gamified learning and diagnostic tests make vocabulary building engaging and interactive. These tools help reinforce your learning and make studying more enjoyable.

Engage with interactive learning tools on to boost your vocabulary!

  1. AI Tutor Mia:’s AI tutor, Mia, offers personalized guidance and support, helping you navigate complex vocabulary and improve your overall test-taking skills.

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By leveraging these resources and strategies, you can build a robust vocabulary that will serve you well on the Digital SAT and beyond. Partner with to ensure you are fully prepared and confident on test day.

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