SAT Score Release Dates: When Do They Come Out?
SAT Score Release Dates When Do They Come Out

The weeks before your SAT score release date can feel like an eternity, with your mind constantly asking you, “Are SAT scores out.” You’ve poured hours of preparation into the test and strategized question-tackling techniques, and now all that’s left is the agonizing wait for the results.

This anxious period is perfectly normal. The SAT is a significant step to cross on the path to higher education, and your score plays a crucial role in college applications. 

This guide will equip you to confidently navigate the score release process and ensure you make the most of that critical moment.

However, have you ever thought about why checking your scores promptly matters? Let’s find out. 

Significance of Checking Your Scores Promptly

Think of your digital SAT score release date as a long-awaited package delivery. The answer to the question, “Are SAT scores out?” holds the key to unlocking the next chapter in your academic journey. 

Here’s why checking your scores promptly is a power move:

  • Informed Decision-Making: Your score is valuable information that can influence your college application strategy. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses allows you to tailor your applications to institutions that align with your academic profile. 
  • Peace of Mind (or a Strategic Plan): The unknown is often the biggest source of anxiety. By checking your scores early, you can celebrate your achievement or devise a strategic plan to move forward. This proactive approach empowers you to take control of the situation.
  • Early Score Reports to Colleges: Once you have your scores, you can send them electronically to your chosen colleges. Acting swiftly ensures your application reaches them promptly, avoiding any last-minute delays.

You might even consider retaking the SAT if there’s room for improvement, but only if you have enough time before application deadlines.

Remember, knowledge is power. By prioritizing checking your digital SAT scores upon release, you’ll gain valuable insights and be well-positioned to tackle the next steps in your college application journey. 

Now, let’s explore the nitty-gritty of timelines of your digital SAT and make the most of the information they reveal.

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The Digital SAT Score Release Timeline: When Will You Know?

Now that you understand the importance of checking your scores promptly, let’s crack the code on the digital SAT score release timeline. 

Here’s a breakdown to help you manage your expectations:

  • General Timeframe:

Generally, for the traditional weekend SAT, you can expect your scores to be available online within two to three weeks of your test date. Consider this as a waiting period to recharge your mental batteries after the exam and focus on other aspects of your college application.

  • Chances of Accessing Scores Earlier:

You might even get lucky and access your scores earlier than the official release date. While there’s no guaranteed timeframe, some students report seeing their scores as early as 5 a.m. Eastern Time (2 a.m. Pacific Time) on the designated release date. This can be a pleasant surprise, but it’s best not to refresh your browser incessantly to avoid disappointment.

The Key Takeaway:

Remember, the release date is an estimate, and there can be slight variations. Don’t get discouraged if your scores aren’t there at dawn. However, keeping an eye on your College Board account around the two-to-three-week mark after your test is a smart strategy.

In the next section, we’ll guide you through the effortless process of accessing your scores online and interpreting the valuable information they provide.

SAT Score Released Schedule

“Are the SAT scores out?” Yes! 

Did you Crack the SAT? Here’s When You Can See Your Score!

Great news for test-takers before May 2024! Your scores are ready to be viewed online. Head over to your online score report or learn how to send them to colleges right away.

Taking the SAT after May 2024? Colleges will receive your scores roughly 10 days after the official release date. 

Here’s a breakdown to help you manage your wait:

Test DateScore Release Date
March 9, 2024March 22, 2024
May 4, 2024May 17, 2024
June 1, 2024June 14, 2024

Students Who Took the SAT in School on a Weekday

Numerous schools now provide SAT School Day, allowing students to sit for the SAT exam in their schools during regular weekdays. 

The digital version of SAT School Day testing commenced in March 2024, with the majority of scores expected to be accessible by mid-May 2024, as outlined in the table below. 

If you’re participating in SAT School Day, PSAT 10, and/or PSAT 8/9 as components of your state testing initiative, verifying score release dates with your state education authority is advisable.

Spring 2024 School Day Score Release

Testing between March 4 and April 26: Scores available by mid-May 2024

Student Answer Submission DateScores Available in K-12 Reporting PortalScores Available to StudentsElectronic Score Reports (ESR) Available
By March 15, 2024April 2, 2024April 4, 2024April 10, 2024
By March 29, 2024April 16, 2024April 18, 2024April 24, 2024
By April 12, 2024April 30, 2024May 2, 2024May 8, 2024
By April 26, 2024May 14, 2024May 16, 2024May 23, 2024

Fall 2024 Score Release Dates

Tests will start from October 1, 2024, and end October 31, 2024.

Student Answer Submission DateScores Available in K-12 Reporting PortalScores Available to StudentsElectronic Score Reports (ESR) Available
By October 11, 2024October 22, 2024October 24, 2024October 30, 2024
By October 26, 2024November 6, 2024November 7, 2024November 13, 2024
By October 31, 2024November 12, 2024November 14, 2024November 20, 2024

The waiting game can be tough, but with a clear roadmap, you can navigate the SAT score release schedule with confidence. 

Note: These are estimated dates, and there can be minor fluctuations. Don’t worry if your scores don’t appear the moment the clock strikes 8 a.m. ET on the designated release date. However, keeping an eye on your College Board account around the two-to-three-week mark after your test is a wise move.

Now, let’s move on to the next section where we will equip you with a step-by-step guide answering your question, “Are SAT scores out?”.

Your Digital SAT Scores: A Step-by-Step Guide

The moment of truth has arrived! After dedicating significant time and effort to preparing for the SAT, you’re ready to access your digital score report. 

Here’s a comprehensive guide to navigating the College Board’s online platform and deciphering the valuable information it contains.

Step 1: Accessing Your College Board Account

  • Head over to the College Board website. 
  • Sign in using your College Board account credentials. You must do so before proceeding if you haven’t created an account yet.

Step 2: Locating Your Scores

  • Once logged in, navigate to the section designated for “SAT Scores” or “Score Reports.
  • The College Board typically releases scores within two to three weeks of your test date. If your scores are available, you’ll see them displayed on the screen.

Alternative Methods for School Day SAT Scores

If you took the SAT on a school day, there might be a slight delay in receiving your scores through your College Board account. 

Here are alternative methods to check your scores:

  • School Counselor: Your school counselor might receive your scores before they are uploaded to your College Board account.
  • BigFuture School App: If your school participates in the BigFuture College Board program, you might be able to access your scores through the BigFuture School mobile app.

Remember: Regardless of the method you choose to access your scores, the College Board account remains the official source for your SAT results.

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Also Read, Everything You Need to Know about Digital SAT Paper Pattern

Sending SAT Scores to Colleges

Having conquered the SAT and unveiled your stellar scores, it’s time to share your academic achievements with your dream colleges. 

Here’s a step-by-step guide to sending your results directly to the institutions you’re targeting.

Expanding Your Horizons: Sending Scores to Additional Institutions

When you initially registered for the SAT or took it at your school, you might have chosen specific colleges or scholarship programs to receive your scores. This is a great starting point!

The good news is that once your score report is available, you can extend your reach by sending it to even more colleges and scholarship programs. 

Here’s how to do it with ease:

1. Accessing Your College Board Account:

The first step involves logging in to your College Board account. This is the central hub where you can manage your SAT scores and send them to potential institutions.

2. Navigating to the “Send SAT Scores” Page:

Once you’re logged in, locate the dedicated “Send SAT Scores” page within your account. This is where you’ll initiate the process of sending your results to colleges and scholarships.

3. Sending Scores Strategically:

While navigating the “Send SAT Scores” page, you might encounter a prompt regarding fee waivers. If this doesn’t apply to you, simply disregard it and proceed with selecting the institutions you want to share your scores with.

4. Finding Your Target Institutions:

The College Board platform allows you to search for institutions by name or by using their unique college code. This code can typically be found on the admissions page of each college’s website.

5. Building Your Recipient List:

As you locate colleges and scholarship programs, click on them to add them to your score recipient list. Once you’ve selected all your desired options, click “Continue” to proceed.

6. Optimizing Your Score Selection:

For each institution on your list, you have the flexibility to choose whether you want to send all your scores or just your best ones. It’s important to note that some colleges might have a policy requiring them to see all your scores. The College Board platform will display this information alongside each institution, allowing you to make informed decisions about what to send.

7. Final Review and Submission:

Before finalizing the process, take a moment to review your selections and ensure everything looks accurate. Once you’re confident, you can proceed with “Checkout” and your scores will be on their way to impressing admissions officers and scholarship committees!

By understanding these guidelines, you can strategically send your SAT scores to the colleges you’re targeting, maximizing your chances of making a strong impression during the application process.

Understanding the Delay in SAT Score Release

While the prospect of conquering the SAT and receiving your score report is exciting, the waiting period can feel like an eternity. You might be wondering why there’s a delay between your test date and the release of your scores. 

Here’s a breakdown of the factors contributing to this timeframe:

Grading Process and Challenges posed by the Volume of Test Takers

Scoring the SAT is a rigorous and multi-layered process. Trained professionals meticulously evaluate each essay and scrutinize every answer in the multiple-choice sections. This ensures the accuracy and fairness of your results. 

The sheer volume of tests taken by thousands of students across the country necessitates a significant investment of time and resources to ensure proper evaluation.

Other factors that influence the release schedule

The College Board strives to release scores within a two-to-three-week timeframe after your test date. However, this estimated timeline can fluctuate slightly for a few reasons. 

  • Unforeseen Logistical Challenges: Occasionally, unforeseen logistical hurdles, such as disruptions in test administration or unexpected technical issues, might necessitate a slight delay in scoring and reporting.
  • Statistical Analysis: The College Board meticulously analyzes test results to ensure the validity and reliability of the SAT as a metric for college readiness. This statistical analysis occasionally requires additional time, pushing back the score release date for a specific test administration.
  • School Day Testing: The SAT School Day program, a relatively new initiative, might experience slight variations in the score release timeline compared to weekend testing. The College Board might require additional processing time to ensure a smooth rollout of this program.

Remember: While these delays can be frustrating, it’s important to acknowledge the meticulousness involved in ensuring the accuracy and fairness of your SAT scores.

By understanding the reasons behind the waiting period, you can manage your expectations and focus on the next steps in your college application journey. The next section will equip you with strategies to make the most of your score release day!

Also Read, Everything you need to know about Digital SAT

SAT Results: Planning Your Next Steps

The moment you’ve been waiting for has arrived – your SAT score report is staring back at you. 

But now what? Whether your results exceeded your expectations or left you feeling less than thrilled, this guide will equip you with the knowledge to navigate your next steps with confidence.

For Students with Lower Scores:

If your score doesn’t quite align with your initial goals, don’t despair! Here are some strategic considerations:

  • Retake the SAT: The College Board allows you to retake the SAT as many times as you wish. By identifying areas for improvement and implementing a focused study plan, you can potentially raise your score on a subsequent test date.

Before making a decision, weigh the pros and cons of retaking the SAT, considering factors like college application deadlines and the cost of another test.

Here are some resources to help you prepare for a retake:

  • The College Board offers official practice tests and study resources.
  • provides personalized SAT prep tests to ace your SAT scores.

Let’s See How Can Help You Achieve High Grades:

Conquering the SAT requires a strategic approach and a solid understanding of the tested concepts. steps in as your comprehensive companion, empowering you to excel on this crucial exam. Here’s how can be your secret weapon for achieving your SAT grades:

1. Sharpen Your Skills with Practice Tests:

Just like any athletic endeavor, mastering the SAT demands consistent practice. provides a comprehensive suite of full-length practice tests that mirror the actual SAT format. By taking these practice exams, you’ll gain invaluable experience in managing time, tackling various question types, and identifying areas that require further attention.

2. Diagnose Your Weaknesses with Diagnostic Tests:

Not sure where to begin your SAT prep journey?’s diagnostic test is the perfect starting point. This concise assessment pinpoints your current strengths and weaknesses across the Reading, Writing, and Math sections. Equipped with this personalized analysis, you can tailor your study plan to focus on areas that need the most improvement.

3. Make Learning Fun with Play and Practice Tests:

Learning shouldn’t feel like a chore!’s engaging “Play and Practice” tests transform SAT prep into an interactive experience. These gamified tests break down complex concepts into bite-sized challenges, keeping you motivated and engaged as you solidify your knowledge.

4. Get Real-Time Feedback with Mia, Your AI Tutor:

Sometimes, you might get stuck on a question or crave in-depth explanations. That’s where Mia,’s AI tutor, comes in! Mia offers a dynamic learning experience by providing personalized feedback, answering your questions, and guiding you through challenging concepts. Imagine having a dedicated tutor at your fingertips, ready to assist you around the clock!

By leveraging these powerful tools, empowers you to transform your SAT prep journey from a stressful experience into a successful and engaging one. 

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For Students with Stellar Scores:

Congratulations! Your hard work has paid off. Now, it’s time to leverage your impressive score to bolster your college applications. 

Here’s how:

  • Sending Scores Strategically: Utilize the College Board’s score reporting system to send your results directly to your target institutions.

Remember: Most colleges require you to submit your scores electronically using a unique college code. You can typically find these college codes on the admissions page of each college’s website.

  • Maximize Your Applications: Don’t limit yourself! Take advantage of the free score reports and send your results to several colleges that align with your academic profile and interests.

Remember: While a strong SAT score is a valuable asset, it’s just one piece of the college application puzzle. Focus on crafting compelling essays, highlighting your extracurricular activities, and securing strong letters of recommendation.

Taking the SAT Again for an Even Higher Score:

Even with a solid score, you might consider retaking the SAT if you believe you can achieve a significant improvement. Here are some factors to consider:

  • College Admission Requirements: Research the specific SAT score requirements for your target colleges. If some institutions are a significant reach, retaking the test might be a strategic move to enhance your competitiveness.
  • Time Constraints: Consider upcoming college application deadlines before scheduling a retake. Ensure you have ample time to prepare effectively and achieve the score you desire.

Remember: Retaking the SAT requires dedication and commitment. Weigh the potential benefits against the time and resources required to make an informed decision.

By following these guidelines and strategically planning your next steps, you can transform your SAT results into a springboard for a successful college application journey.

Also Read, Helpful Last-Minute Tips for SAT Test Day 


While the wait for your question, “Are SAT scores out” can be nerve-wracking, understanding the timeline and having a plan in place eases the anxiety. This guide has equipped you with the knowledge to navigate the score release process and strategically send your results to colleges. However, the journey to SAT success begins well before receiving your score report.

This is where steps in as your ultimate prep partner. With its personalized approach, offers a powerful combination of practice tests, diagnostic tools, engaging activities, and the invaluable support of Mia, your AI tutor. By utilizing these resources, you can transform your SAT prep journey into a focused and enriching experience that maximizes your potential for achieving an exceptional score.

Don’t wait until score release day to start feeling confident about the SAT. Visit today and take control of your test prep journey. Let be the key that unlocks your academic potential and propels you towards achieving your college dreams!

Sign up for free today! 

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